How do I disable/deactivate my CoinDCX account?


If you want to deactivate your account or if you have multiple accounts and want to disable the account which you don't want to use, you can simply log into your CoinDCX account and Disable it yourself. 

You will still have the option to re-enable your account after disabling it, for this please reach out to Chatbot Support on bottom right corner. (Steps to re-enable your account after disabling it: Click on "Profile Management" -> Click on "Need Help with Sign-Up & Login" -> Click on "My Account is blocked")

Steps to disable your account using CoinDCX App:

  1. Log in to your CoinDCX app.

  2. Go to [Account] and select [Security].

  3. Click [Disable Your Account].

Steps to disable your account using CoinDCX Pro App:

  1. Log in to your CoinDCX Pro app.

  2. Go to [Account] and select [Security].

  3. Click [Disable Account].

Steps to disable your account from Website:

  1. Log in to CoinDCX website

  2. Go to [Profile] and select [Security].

  3. Go to [Account Security] and select [Account Activity]. 

  4. Click [Disable Account].
