On which transactions and when will the 1% TDS be applicable?


TDS will only be applicable when you sell a crypto asset. For instance, if you have INR 100 worth of Bitcoin in your wallet and you decide to sell it. The moment you make the sell transaction, 1% TDS on INR 100, i.e., INR 1, will be deducted from the sell value. The amount which you will get back in your CoinDCX wallet will be INR 99. This exercise will be effective from July 01, 2022, as per the revised laws of the Government of India. 1% TDS transactions will be applicable as per the following:


Buy - No TDS

Sell - 1% TDS

Limit Buy - No TDS

Limit Sell - 1% TDS

SIP - No TDS (as it’s a buy transaction)

Earn - No TDS